Sunday, March 6, 2011


After writing all that last night about not being a techy, and about my pc crashing, or in the process of crashing, I was presented with a late Christmas present - a new iMac. No more "snowball". No more external speakers.

The "computer" is in the monitor. You slide a cd or dvd into a slot in the side of the monitor. There is a second, little slot for the memory card from my Nikon digital camera. No more opening a port and plugging the (bulky) camera into the computer with a cord.

The manual is really a magazine - the coffee table type of magazine. I can actually find things in it. It has pictures - color pictures. So much for not being a techy... one afternoon I have been catapulted into the 21st century.

One really cool thing - I can open things in the new computer and, if I want to, teleport it from there to a second monitor with one "swoosh" of the mouse - just like on NCIS! And I can work on the file there on the second monitor - which is actually what I need, but with the added attraction of being able to get the data from one computer to the other screen with that "swoosh"! I am using "swoosh" as a technical term.

I am exhausted now. I'm going back to the telly, with a plate of uncorned beef brisket which has been simmering in the oven for hours and is way fork tender, some cabbage and carrots also fork tender from the oven and some Irish mashed potatoes and apples. Mmmmm - now for a Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot or Midsomer Murder or Inspector Lewis (with the dishy Sargeant Hathaway) dvd for the evening. Bye bye!

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