Saturday, January 10, 2009


The Mission Congregation spent some time reflecting on the dichotomies found in Listening Hearts, our culture, and in Scripture. We chose the story of Jesus and the Canaanite woman (Matthew 15:21-25) to explore further. At the end of our reflection we wrote the following collect:

O God, you are all encompassing and different for each of us; unfailingly gracious; constantly changing and learning; you wish abundant life and health for us; and you give us free will. We pray you will continue to grow in graciousness toward us because we can't live up to what we want to live up to; that we will be open to and willing to follow up on change; that you will be with us in the changing; and that we will live our lives to be more of a blessing to people in the circumstances we find ourselves--a light in the darkness; in order that change happens; that we come together and we come to understand your graciousness; and that we grow in grace ourselves and treat each other with grace. Amen.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Oh my - that is gorgeous.

Thank you for sharing it here, I am printing that one out.

Pax always.