Saturday, June 12, 2010

Living with Wildlife

Well, we're accustomed to see, and always delighted with, the Grace Church Hawks, one of which routinely perches on the steeple cross.

We're getting tuned in to the various bird songs that we hear in this little plot of the city of Norwalk, graciously near the thin strip of wild land between the bike path and the route 7 connector.

But the last thing I ever hoped to see here a 1 Union Park at the corner of Mott Avenue in Norwalk Connecticut was an adult fox walking across the garth, the lawn between the two arms of the building of the church. A red fox. Or I should say a brindled red fox - patches of gray here and there. And a big one.

6:00 a.m. Hope it keeps safe. Fox are one of those species that have adapted to living among humans. City foxes were not what I expected. A very delightful start to a Saturday. Shades of the fox who used to sleep during the day on a greeny tussock at the edge of our woods in Southern Chester County Pennsylvania. Very nice indeed.

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