Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers' Day to Jesus, our Mother

Today Iglesia Episcopal Betania hispanic congregation at Grace Norwalk moved permanently to the main church for the 1:00 p.m. misa en español. They had graciously been worshipping in the undercroft of the church for almost a year while we worked out a way for a congregation of Haitian Baptists to continue to worship at Grace. This has all been worked out and the people of Iglesia Betania now have parity with their fellow Episcopalians at Grace.

It was a joyous service and included a baptism. A big surprise, even for Padre José Díaz, was the band from San Lucas y San Pablo, Bridgeport that showed up with José's musician wife, Marjorie, to make today a really big celebration. The front doors to the church were wide open so all the sounds and joy went out into the neighborhood.

Meanwhile, the Haitian Baptists, because of the arrangement we made, are now worshipping at their preferred time of 11:00 a.m. and their singing and praying had already been wafting out into the neighborhood. And at 10:00 the English service of Grace began the day.

Truly, a joyful noise is being made to the Lord at 1 Union Park in Norwalk, Connecticut, and it is truly, truly good.


Barbara said...

I think I am hearing God saying, "..and it is good." Creation is still happening and God is in it with us. And it is GOOD!

Lois Keen said...

Amen, Barbara.