Friday, April 29, 2011


...I got up at 4 a.m. to watch the wedding coverage. Actually, the early rise was not about the early commentary but so I could get my cuppa (tea) and say Morning Prayer before I glued myself to the tellie at 5.

The music was beautiful. The congregation were stony. Why? Is it impolite to sit there grinning foolishly from ear to ear? And I guess I'm the only one left in the world who sings hymns lustily whether or not I like them. It's about God, after all. But surely, Jerusalem will get the people going, no? No. Too bad.

But the bride was beautiful and the dress was perfect. And Wills' (yes, the apostrophe is in the right place - the nickname is Wills, and the possessive apostrophe therefore goes after, with the second, possessive "s" left off) - Wills' uniform was divine.

I've since done some straightening up of the garden and now I'm waiting, like everyone else, for the balcony appearance.

Silly, I know, and I don't care. I love pageantry. Have a lovely weekend, everyone! And God bless Kate and William.

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